1 - Truly I say to you, He who does not go through the door into the place where the sheep are kept, but gets in by some other way, is a thief and an outlaw.

2 - He who goes in by the door is the keeper of the sheep.

3 - The porter lets him in; and the sheep give ear to his voice; he says over the names of the sheep, and takes them out.

4 - When he has got them all out, he goes before them, and the sheep go after him, for they have knowledge of his voice.

5 - They will not go after another who is not their keeper, but will go from him in flight, because his voice is strange to them.

6 - In this Jesus was teaching them in the form of a story: but what he said was not clear to them.

7 - So Jesus said again, Truly I say to you, I am the door of the sheep.

8 - All who came before me are thieves and outlaws: but the sheep did not give ear to them.

9 - I am the door: if any man goes in through me he will have salvation, and will go in and go out, and will get food.

10 - The thief comes only to take the sheep and to put them to death: he comes for their destruction: I have come so that they may have life and have it in greater measure.

11 - I am the good keeper of sheep: the good keeper gives his life for the sheep.

12 - He who is a servant, and not the keeper or the owner of the sheep, sees the wolf coming and goes in flight, away from the sheep; and the wolf comes down on them and sends them in all directions:

13 - Because he is a servant he has no interest in the sheep.

14 - I am the good keeper; I have knowledge of my sheep, and they have knowledge of me,

15 - Even as the Father has knowledge of me and I of the Father; and I am giving my life for the sheep.

16 - And I have other sheep which are not of this field: I will be their guide in the same way, and they will give ear to my voice, so there will be one flock and one keeper.

17 - For this reason am I loved by the Father, because I give up my life so that I may take it again.

18 - No one takes it away from me; I give it up of myself. I have power to give it up, and I have power to take it again. These orders I have from my Father.

19 - There was a division again among the Jews because of these words.

20 - And a number of them said, He has an evil spirit and is out of his mind; why do you give ear to him?

21 - Others said, These are not the words of one who has an evil spirit. Is it possible for an evil spirit to make blind people see?

22 - Then came the feast of the opening of the Temple in Jerusalem: it was winter;

23 - And Jesus was walking in the Temple, in Solomon's covered way.

24 - Then the Jews came round him, saying, how long are you going to keep us in doubt? If you are the Christ, say so clearly.

25 - Jesus said in answer, I have said it and you have no belief: the works which I do in my Father's name, these give witness about me.

26 - But you have no belief because you are not of my sheep.

27 - My sheep give ear to my voice, and I have knowledge of them, and they come after me:

28 - And I give them eternal life; they will never come to destruction, and no one will ever take them out of my hand.

29 - That which my Father has given to me has more value than all; and no one is able to take anything out of the Father's hand.

30 - I and my Father are one.

31 - Then the Jews took up stones again to send at him.

32 - Jesus said to them in answer, I have let you see a number of good works from the Father; for which of those works are you stoning me?

33 - This was their answer: We are not stoning you for a good work but for evil words; because being a man you make yourself God.

34 - In answer, Jesus said, Is there not a saying in your law, I said, You are gods?

35 - If he said they were gods, to whom the word of God came (and the Writings may not be broken),

36 - Do you say of him whom the Father made holy and sent into the world, Your words are evil; because I said, I am God's Son?

37 - If I am not doing the works of my Father, do not have belief in me;

38 - But if I am doing them, then have belief in the works even if you have no belief in me; so that you may see clearly and be certain that the Father is in me and I am in the Father.

39 - Then again they made an attempt to take him; but he got away from them.

40 - And he went again to the other side of the Jordan, to the place where John first gave baptism; and he was there for a time.

41 - And a great number of people came to him, saying, John did no sign: but everything John said of this man was true.

42 - And a number came to have faith in him there.