1 - <A Psalm. Of David.> Lord, I have made my cry to you; come to me quickly; give ear to my voice, when it goes up to you.

2 - Let my prayer be ordered before you like a sweet smell; and let the lifting up of my hands be like the evening offering.

3 - O Lord, keep a watch over my mouth; keep the door of my lips.

4 - Keep my heart from desiring any evil thing, or from taking part in the sins of the evil-doers with men who do wrong: and let me have no part in their good things.

5 - Let the upright give me punishment; and let the god-fearing man put me in the right way; but I will not let the oil of sinners come on my head: when they do evil I will give myself to prayer.

6 - When destruction comes to their judges by the side of the rock, they will give ear to my words, for they are sweet.

7 - Our bones are broken up at the mouth of the underworld, as the earth is broken by the plough.

8 - But my eyes are turned to you, O Lord God: my hope is in you; let not my soul be given up to death.

9 - Keep me from the net which they have put down for me, and from the designs of the workers of evil.

10 - Let the sinners be taken in the nets which they themselves have put down, while I go free.